Daily Blade News

August 24, 2001

Brand New Forum

The Daily Blade has a new forum online. Check it out! (Locke's Note: I forget HTML...There's a link on the main page if you already missed it.)

August 19, 2001

Blade Ressurection Under Way; Ass. Editor Under Tow

In the spirit of the Blade, it's coming back full swing. Getting in touch with the staff is no easy task, especially since I have yet to start contacting them. Stay tuned for updates in the Archives, and maybe a change in the other pages!

March 4, 2001

No Special Edition, But a New Issue!?!?

There was a new issue of the Blade released recently. Issue 153. What this means for the future, who knows! Keep checking back for all the slowly processed details.

February 5, 2001

Canned Before Birth

Yup, the new special edition is gone. There are no plans of putting it out now. Maybe when I get more time I'll do something really special. Until then, keep reading the archives.

January 20, 2001

New Special Edition? By Thorn!

Now, I have planned 3 new special editions to help revive interest in the Daily Blade. The first is a music review of the year 2000. Second is a movie review of the year 2000. Third is a general overview of the year 2000. I'm thinking of combining these into one special edition and try my hardest to get ALL the staff to do something for it. Only time will tell. Anyway, I'm hoping to get it out soon, With or without the others' help.

September 19, 2000

A letter from Locke

This is beautiful! A Weekly Blade is definitely better than what we had before. Oh, and don't forget to look for my New Year's Special Edition (working title) which I will try to finish by New Years (thus why it's a working title). I'd like to finish with a bravo to Good Ol' TB for obviously learning more HTML than me. I learn some better stuff. I don't understand why he has to edit those old Blade issues. They were pretty short anyway. I'll talk to him about getting some of the latter ones (I only have 70-something to the last one) archived. Tchao.