The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 80
First off, I'm not top notch tonight. I have a slight headache. Second, Locke didn't send me his article yet, but I can't wait on it. Last, I have a lot of homework to do. So anyway, enjoy this issue, even though it has less stuff in it than normal.
I am sorry to announce, there will be no issue tomorrow. I have to housesit this weekend, and I'm leaving college just as soon as I get out of class. I hope none of you guys mind. Locke could send it out, but I don't think he will. Just wait, and I'll send one out Sunday night... maybe. I have an exam Monday morning, so it all depends on what time I get up here Sunday. Hope for the best!
Did You Know?
Subject: Movies
Did you know...
-"Scream" is a trilogy, but few people seem to pick up on it?
-The Puppet Master series goes horribly out of order, and then it makes no sense?
-I renamed this column without realizing it?
-This column used to be named "Did you notice?"
-I ran out of Movie info?
LOCKE'S LOOK IN THE GAMING WORLD will not be seen tonight. Look for a new Locke column soom, from Blade Enterprises.
For those who missed it, here's that page address again. And sign the Slambook.
Song of the Day.
"Faster Than The Speed Of Night" by Bonnie Tyler.
I don't know if I used this yet, but I love this song. The piano is played quite well, and the words are similiar to Meatloaf's "Paradise By the Dashboard Light." I just think this is a cool song that never got a chance.
Eight-Ball Mayhem.
Is Locke really your editor?
My interview with Britney, B-R-I-T-N-E-Y is the correct spelling, Spears.
ME: Hello Britney. How are you today?
BRIT: Oh, you know, I'm great. Thanks for asking.
ME: You really have made it to the big time. Did you ever expect this?
BRIT: Well, I dreamed of it, you know, like everyone else. You know, we have, you know, fantasies that we want to, you know, come true.
ME: So was this your fantasy?
BRIT: I guess so.
ME: Well, now that "Crazy" has been out for a while, will you release another single.
BRIT: Maybe. You know, my tour is, you know, going on so I, you know, don't really have, you know, time for other things. I really, you know, hope that I can, you know, release another.
ME: I hope so too. Well, thank you for your time. I'm sorry to have annoyed you.
BRIT: Oh, you didn't annoy me. I enjoyed it. It was fun.
Okay, this really didn't happen, and I know I shouldn't do this to Britney, but this is what an interview was like that I read. She was talking to MTV newsman John Norris. I couldn't keep reading with all her "You knows" in it. I really do like like Britney, though.
Survey Blade.
A Time to Laugh won the last survey. Ugh. That was never funny, but I guess you thought so, so thank you.
Trivia Time.
Subject: Movies.
1. In "The Faculty," who was the queen?
2. What is the correct spelling of Joshua Jackson's character in "Dawson's Creek?" (Not A movie, I know)
3. In "Can't Hardly Wait," what was Preston's favorite breakfast?
4. What was the name of Bette Midler's character in "Beaches?"
5. At the end of "A Nightmare on Elm Street: 5" how many souls did Freddy have?
1. E-mail me for this one. I don't know if you've seen it, but it's a good movie.
2. Pacey, not Pasey.
3. Cherry pop tarts, or is it strawberry? It's pop tarts nonetheless.
4. CeCe.
5. None. He did have three, but at the end of the movie, he lost them.