The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 67
Just yesterday I was going through some of the old issues of the Blade.
I noticed many changes have occurred since the start back in October. I
thank you all who have stood beside me while I put this out to try to
make me feel better about myself. I am sad to say that two people on the
address list do not read it, they just get it and cart it away. I wish
they would read it. I had dreams of this going somewhere, gaining many
people to subscribe, then perhaps I could have added pics and stuff, but
all I seem to be doing is losing people. I even thought you guys might
get to know each other, conversing about the different things. The
closest any of you guys got was a chain letter, but I must admit, I got
some feedback on that that was too hilarious. Anyway, all that viewing
has inspired me to do something. I think I might do it tonight.
Along with what was just posted, another just skims through the Blade.
Why? I spend countless hours a week doing this for all your pleasure and
you just skim it! My feelings are deeply hurt. Goodbye mean people. This
Blade will lose three readers, according to me they aren't readers.
Goodbye, non-readers! I realize the point in the fact that they won't even
read this.
8-Ball Mayhem!
Is there any way I can become you assistant editor? I would actually do
Don't count on it. My assistant editor works hard despite the fact she
does nothing. You cannot fathom what she does, therefore, you cannot
withstand her duties.
Episode 31: Blade faces the total loss of his powers and thus, seeks out
the help of Venus. Malice takes over command of leadership in his
absence, and while he is leader, he plans on an entire team shift. Daisy
Flowerpower decides she needs a change of style and heads of to the Mega
Mall for a makeover, but not before Witty forces her to take him with
her and the two set out. Catalystical helps Locke deal his recent
losses. Together they calculate the differences and come to a startling
conclusion: he has lost $189,052.28. Will Blade solve the mysteries of
his decreasing power levels? Will Malice finally show the true
leadership skills he has? Are Daisy and Witty getting into deeper
trouble than what they know, and will Locke get out of the poor house,
or will he take Catalystical with him?
Survey Blade!
Should the Blade be changed from "The Daily Blade, Vol. 1 issue blah" to
"The Blade, Vol 1, issue blah?" Send your votes in now!
Trivia Time.
Subject: Yes.... MURDER!
1. What movie had little to no plot but was good anyway? It featured a
little boy that found an alien and he fed it Reeses' Pieces. Mmm...
pieces.... Wait, this didn't contain a single MURDER!
2. It was a movie about an insane man that tried to MURDER his family
but ultimately resulted in freezing to death?
3. Crazed Texans with chainsaws try to MURDER five kids for no real
reason. It was based on a true story. One girl escaped the MURDERs.
4. The entire town takes a snooze and indirectly, some guy is MURDERed.
Also, twelve woman become pregnant and then their children turn out to
be aliens who are bent on world domination by MURDERing the entire
5. Not a movie, but an Angela Landsbury series. She solved MURDER
1. E.T.
2. The Shining. The boy was a little bonkers and wrote redrum all over
the place, which is actually MURDER spelt backwards.
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This MURDER movie was easy.
4. Village of the Damned.
5. MURDER, She Wrote.