The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 60


Has anyone ever pondered this subject? It's just stupid. Think how easy such an expensive house could break. Also, you know how annoying sunlight would be? You'd have annoying nieghbor kids chunking rocks at you every minute and then what? You get dressed and everyone can see you. Think. It would be hot in the summer, cold in the winter. Let it stand for a thousand years and you wouldn't even have a roof. It's an amorphorous solid. It holds the properties of a liquid! Over lengthy time, it follows gravity's path. I guess since it is so fragile, it wouldn't be around that long. This whole concept is so stupid.


The queen must be saved. Someone stole her from my grasp the other day. I was too busy to notice she was gone. Someone, or something stole her from Blade use. I want her back. She has been the subject of many good, stupid also comes to mind, stories. May we find her soon....


Where the Queen was last at, a torn piece of paper was found saying this: "Advanced..." This has led many authorities to believe the assistant editor has taken her for personal uses. Maybe to shove me out of the spotlight. More on this later.


Yes, this is a competition to find the queen. If you can correctly guess where the Queen has gone by the clues I give you. If you can tell me, you shall recieve issue 1/2 of the Blade. This is a fun-filled issue and only a lucky few will recieve it. I'm telling you, don't miss out! Join the fun. All correct guesses will recieve it. Deadline has yet to be determined.


So many days have passed since I started school this term, and what a year this has been. We have already had school let out early, a homecoming, a loss of books, late busses, death threats, a hitlist, surveys galore, and more dropouts. What is this world coming to? Stay tuned because next week I have planned exploding dummies, comb my hair day, a pledge for more christmas breaks and an end to world famine. Keep it here for all the latest!

Survey Blade!

Remember, you all need to vote. Thanks go out to all who voted. This week's subject: Should 52-TWENTY keep its name?

Trivia Time.

Subject: Video Games!

1. Can you catch all 150, actually 151, then 152, and now I even heard there is 153 of them? What game is this?
2. Save the... thing inside the sphere by dropping the same shape block into place.
3. Chocobo, and other things are in this game. Sorry Locke, I don't have a playstation.
4. You get all the jiggy peices and then save your sis who you neglected to watch in the first place.
5. I have went into the deep depths of video games and found this beauty. A helicopter drops people out of it and you must save them with your helicopter. Then, you get to remove a bullet from a person. It wasn't a bad game for its time. (hint: it's for the Atari)


1. Poke'mon.
2. Tetrisphere.
3. Final Fantasy VII.
4. Banjo-Kazooie.
5. Mash. This was a fun game. I own it, too.