The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 49


Tomorrow will be a Mega Monday Issue, and I hope it turns out better than the others. Of course, I have to get Storyboard out. Do any of you guys like it? If you don't. I don't want to waste my time with it. I figure you guys are finding it lame, but the Blade can't be all fun and games. Well, I guess this is enough for now.


Tonight in the Lounge, Catalyst and I saved each other's lives. She was killed and I brought her back, then I bruised her while swing her in a cargo net and leaving her in the freezer. She was cold and frightened and I couldn't live with myself. She said it was okay though, so I was happy.

Check It Out!

What do you guys like to do most? Well, skip it and go scuba diving. This is total fun on hot summer days. You see for miles when the sun is out, or is that mountain climbing?
Rating: 2


I want to go home. Wait a minute, I am home. I guess I just want to go somewhere. But I don't want to go to school tomorrow, and that is somewhere else. Ugh.

A Time To Laugh.

I want a house outside of my parent's house, but I can't have one yet. This isn't funny, is it. Oh God, they're making an online Star Trek store. How wierd.

Trivia Time!

Subject: POKe'MON!

1. Who is the most popular Pokemon?
2. Which one of these can you start the game with:
A. Pikachu
B. Bulbasuar
C. Gengar
D. Smurfette
3. How many Pokemon are in the game?
4. How many different versions are there of this game?
5. What are the Pokemon kept in?


1. Pika, pika pika. Pika pika pika pika, Pikachu. Yes, Pikachu is the most popular charater. He is so cute!
2. B. How many of you guys said D? Be honest.
3. 151. Gotta catch them all. I wonder how many thought there was 150.
4. 2. A red version, and a blue version. I want both, but I'll settle for the blue.
5. Pokeballs. Pikachu won't stay in one, though. He's quite adament.