The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 46
The Queen was off on a scavenger hunt and returned with such useless
items as a dead rabbit, a toenail, handy gym socks, and such and such.
Mayhap she find her true calling. God, let it be soon.
Yes, last issue followed a train theme that was quite unusual. For those
following, everything had a special purpose that had to deal with
trains. Also, Answer Box is gone, if any of you noticed.
Check It Out!
One Stop shopping on msn. Wow, give 'em a credit card number and you can
go berserk. This all online too. Neat, Huh?
Rating: Mayhap I never use a banner ad again. 2
The Blade went on a holiday,
Or maybe so it thinks.
It stopped of at a local pub
For peanuts and some drinks.
Time went by, and take a look
The Blade was out here late.
It's time to set a curfew
For all of those Daily Dates.
Of course, we all need a little fun
Don't you think I'm right?
Besides, you all get this thing free,
Who says I can't miss a night?
I will never ask for money
Because this is too stupid to get paid.
Just keep on reading, and I'll write away
This letter called "The Daily Blade."
A Time To Laugh.
Notice how only blond jokes have grazed this section. Wierd, huh.
Trivia Time!
Subject: Cartoon mysteries.
1. On "Tazmania" what kind of animal was the dog?
2. What does "The Claw"(is it Dr. Claw?) on "Inspector Gadget" look
3. What does Aladdin say when he's trying to shoe Raja away?
4. In "The Little Mermaid," what does the priest have that's a bit
5. Who created the suit "GizmoDuck" for Uncle Scrooge?
1. The dog was a turtle, and a cute one at that.
2. He's nothing but a harmless old man. Another case of "It's best left
alone." And don't try to argue with me. You actually did get to see him.
3. "Good teenagers, take off your clothes." I'm serious, he really does
say this.
4. He has an erection. Come on, Ariel wasn't THAT good looking for an
old man to be turned on. Of course, it was Ursula posing as a human.
Imagine if he saw her in true form. Eeeewwww....
5. Gyro, that duck-like guy even though he was worse looking than the
guy in the suit.