The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 39


You are all probably saying "That Kenny, he can't get anything right. I'm glad I'm not like him. I'm punctual, and I'm funny. He is so lame. I wish I had the heart to tell him I don't want to recieve this anymore. All he ever does is mess everything up." Well, I do not plan to mess the number up again. I have a counter system going now, so I should know what every issue number is. I'm sorry about all of that. I bet it would have been better to just not see it.


I went to Drama practice today and only five of us were there. We couldn't practice with so few people so we found some props in the back rooms and then came up with ideas. Then the five of us played kickball for a while. It was great. We even went to such lengths as to crush each other in a gymnastics mat. Just goes to show you what five teens can do when they get together.


I frustrated a man today when I told him Nightcrawler was a DC comics character before he was a Marvel character. He argued, but my persistance held up because I know I'm right. I just can't remeber the comic he was supposed to be in. DC dropped him before the comic made it out because they thought he was too demonic looking. Marvel picked up on him and he made his way to being my favorite character.

Check it out!

If you listened to Ani Defranco, and you liked her philosophical tunes, then you should like the song "The Last Resort" by the Eagles. It is a very good song with a very good meaning. I enjoy both the tune and the meaning and I can play it on the piano. I'm just braggingm, but I can play it, and most other songs I like.


Answer box is here for a while. It got a vote. Thanks a bunch. I bet the only reason it got a vote was to just keep me writing "No letter today. Do you know how pointless this column is." Yes, I bet that will be continuing until the next go around. I can't believe one of you actually voted for it, but the choice is yours.

A time to laugh.

Answer Box got a vote.

Trivia Time!

Subject: What else? Simpsons.

1. What class does Lisa start failing?
2. What musical instrument does Bart try to play but fails? They based an episode on this.
3. What does Bart use to find buried pirate treasure in his back yard?
4. When Homer gets all of that sugar, what is greatly attracted to it?
5. How does Homer lose the sugar?
6. When Bart uses his telescope, what does he say about the universe?
7. What was Maggie's first word?
8. When Bart and Lisa play space patrol, who does maggie play?
9. Who does Bart play?
10. What is the name of the film that Homer wanted to win at the film festival?


1. Gym.
2. The guitar.
3. A metal detector.
4. A swarm of bees.
5. Rain melts the pile of sugar.
6. He said "the universe is so boring."
7. Her first word is "goodnight."
8. Magina, Lisa's spunky sidekick.
9. Bartron, the evil robot from mars gone berserk.
10. "Man Getting Hit By Football."