The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 33


With wings, of course.


People watch you everyday wether you know it or not. You may also watch people to see how they are. Why do we look at other people? Are we trying to learn about them? See what makes them different? Why we all look at somone may not make sense now, we all strive to be better than one another. Can you admit that? It doesn't matter if you can't. I still know you do. I do. We all try to achieve popularity. More on this tomorrow.

Check it out!

For those of you who need some time by yourself, go out and enjoy nature. If you are city bound, then a park should offer you some tranquility. Just admire the beauty and serenity. You can relax and your mood could change for the better.


As you may have noticed, check it out has a rating system. Today, I'm going to explain the system. Ratings are 1-5 with sometimes a negative number or other really high number to show it is great.

1- This is not really all that good. It has few people interested in it, and offers little variety. This appears very rarely.
2- Okay if you are really bored. Another rare ranking.
3- Average. This is a site for pretty much everyone. It has something for all ofyou if you look hard enough.
4- A good thing with a nice supply of information or pleasure for anyone.
5- The best around.
-17 Uh.............. this appeared once and it shows the thing sucks. BIG TIME.

A time to laugh.

This column isn't funny at all. I think I'll just get rid of it.

Trivia TIme.

Subject: Simpsons!

1. What does Lisa pull out of Ned's refridgerator?
2. What secret organization does Homer become "The Chosen One" of because of a birth mark?
3. When Bart plays with Milhouse's monkey, what happens to him?
4. What do all of the kids at Martin's birthday party get sick eating?
5. Who gave Lisa her saxaphone?

Answers. Sorry it's so short. I got to go, though.

1. A head of lettuce.
2. The Stonecutters.
3. He gets lice.
4. Oysters.
5. Homer, then he gave her another one.