The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 32


I remeber when I was younger and didn't have to worry about working. I could go over to a friend's house and could stay for a week not having to go to work. I never bought christmas or birthday resents, but now I try and people, such as Tommy or Jeremy, say I don't need to get them anything. I don't care what they say, I still want to get them something. Of course, I do have a tighter budget this year with a car payment and all. I wish I had more money, but wishing for it won't get me it. Well, I'm just hoping I can get everyone what they want, except the people I don't see. You guys, I'm sorry but I can't get you a gift. Shipping costs are too much. You're all probably saying "What a cheap bum. Lets kick him and take his lunch money." I wish I could visit you all.

Check it out!

WCW/NWO Revenge is a great N64 game for just about anyone. The controls are easy to learn and the choice of opponents seem endless. Different functions allow for different fight modes and you can even play as managers. This game by far exceeds WCW/NWO World Tour, the first THQ wrestling game. This game does, however, offer little to those who dislike sports games, so be careful.
Rating: 3

That address to Locke's page is
I hope that's right.


Ten poodles were walking down a dusty back road. I had nothing better to do, so I followed them to their point of destination. They arrived at a small pub on the east side of Leach and began to drink and tell stories of their adventures. I was interested beyond interest. Have you ever heard a poodle's life story? After listening, I had a cherry 7up with a twist of lime. Mmm, Lime. I figured lemon would make it too sour. Just then I looked down and said "Eeeew, why is this on the floor?" It was a hambuger patty. I picked it up and tossed it into the frier with a basket of fries. As I paid for my drink, I handed the man a five and told him I was leaving in a few minutes. He asked why I wouldn't have another drink. I said I was drunk off of my own power and couldn't think strait, so I was off to take over Oman. Upon arriving to Oman (actually, it was a Mazzio's but those neon lights confuse anyone), I ordered an ultra thin crust and said "At last, It is mine......" Thinking I was an escaped mental patient they gave it to me free. I repeyed them in kind by joining their culture club. I quit when I realized it was founded by giant monkeys bent on world destruction. A friend drove up and took me home. The next morning, I read that a pub on the east side of Leach burned down when a frie basket and what appeared to be a hamburger patty were left unattended to the whole night. Speculators blame the squirrel. He only wanted some baked beans. I was unavailable for question.

A time to laugh.

Remember that letter I made up? How about that poem? Wait, I actually liked the poem. Well, time to bop away the night. On to T.T.

Trivia Time!

Subject: Finish the line.....

1. I've got a lovely bunch of......
2. You got the body, I've got the......(Nightmare On Elm Street 2)
3. I..... what you did last summer. EEEEEEEEEASY
4. You may have their powers, but I've got their......

1. Coconuts!
2. Brains, BRAINS!
3. Know.
4. Souls.