The Daily Blade, Volume 1, Issue 16
The best part about "Footloose" is the scene where Ariel gives Ren her
music box. I love this scene because the music is so pretty and they
realize they love each other. So *sniff* sweet is the music of life that
I may cry a tear for all the pleasures of a symphony.
If not for all of you (well, those who e-mail me or at least talk to
me), I probably wouldn't ever get online. Mega Locke is helping me with
something I've wanted to do since XaraX showed me it. Tommy is my best
friend, and that says it all. The newhampshire girl is my sis, and I
love her dearly. Daisy mailed me almost everyday, but now I haven't got
an e-mail from her in a while. I hope she's alright. She kept me going
when I wanted to give up. Amy and her fun letters about nothing in
particular make me laugh. John gives me info on things I really want to
know about, but hasn't e-mailed me in a while. Venus went to the
mountains and I don't guess she returned. Sweet CaTaLySt, she is a
pistol, always popping in and out of the lounge, yelling at me to mail
her, but now she won't e-mail me. And last, but not least, Is Jeremy. He
showed me nothing is never really how you first look at it. If so, I
would have thought he was just another prep that wouldn't talk to anyone
who he thought was a lesser person. I now know he's just like a normal
person. While he and I still stereotype people, he helped me see I should
give everyone a chance, just like I hope he thinks of me as his friend.Well, enough with boring you.
Trivia Time.
Subject: Nature.
1. What weather pattern has a cyclone on powerful wind that sweeps
across the land?
2. Positive and negative ions, when met, discharge a powerful shocker we
3. In the fall, trees take on an outrageous change by changing the color
of thier...
4. The afterglow of some plants, and why the tv glows at night when we
turn it off.
5. A single cell organism that reproduces by splitting in half.
1. A tornado.
2. Lightning.
3. Leaves.
4. Fluorescence.
5. Ameoba